Today’s consumer: this is who he is

People’s shopping behaviour has changed in recent years and the increasing online trade is not entirely innocent of this. With just a few clicks, entire purchases are done and conveniently delivered to your home.

👜 Shopping is a necessity for most people today and they want to do it quickly. Therefore, customisation is also necessary at the local shop. Therefore, customisation is also necessary at the local shop. Two points are particularly important here:

⚡ Efficiency – At work, many people experience an increase in efficiency, that is, completing many tasks in less time. This pattern is then also reflected in your shopping behaviour. The product of desire should be found quickly, otherwise it quickly turns into a negative mood. Interactive displays can help here, for example.

⚡ Convenience – While we’re on the subject of displays, we can’t avoid the topic of ‘cross-selling’. Looking at a laptop while being shown a suitable bag, docking station, holder or other useful tools increases comfort and in turn saves time.

Fast and convenient is the standard of most customers today. Dealers should be prepared for this!
