Digital brochures or completely different? A lot more is possible digitally
Transferring your physical brochure into an app or onto your own website is certainly a good step towards digital transformation. Above all, this serves target groups who are happy to do without paper waste and whose smartphone is always at hand.
Of course, this is not the end of the line – but rather an additional solution. Digitally, a lot more is possible!
👁🗨 Special offers and specific products can be brought directly to the potential customer as advertising – personalised advertising.
👁🗨 Special offers and specific products can be brought directly to the potential customer as advertising – personalised advertising.
👁🗨 Physical brochures do not have to be abolished directly, but a reduction contributes to a greener balance sheet and cost savings – good for image and profit.
👉 Today’s digital advertising possibilities far surpass those of the analogue world!
This should be used in any case!